Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Frame this Blog

It's been a while since I decided that I wanted to have a blog. I've been journaling since I was 16 years old and it's been a goal of mine to get published. Blogging seems to be a natural progression between private thoughts on lined paper and a beautifully polished and published novel...

I'm searching for my voice. My mission in writing this blog is simple. It's to speak out about all the things about which I am passionate and to infuse a "Human Element" that our world seems to lack from time to time.

I am not looking for redemption or reward in writing my thoughts. If you can relate to some or all of what I have to share, I would love hear what your experiences have been. This is an ongoing project to find my voice as an Asian, American, Moderately Progressive, Military Supporting woman in a complex world (my bubble centered in the United States, with off shoots in Japan, California and other fun places).

I am PROUD to be all of these traits. Finally, I am in a place that I can embrace and own the "I am's" of my life.

Three things to know about me: (As of 9.8.09)
  1. I love my Marine. I am SO proud of all of our troops.
  2. "Three Things": You know that activity you do with your family around Thanksgiving dinner, where everybody says something that they're thankful for each year? It can be awkward or it could go really well... I think of three things that I am thankful for each night before I go to sleep. Life has thrown me some curve balls but with this exercise, I'm able to keep my blessings in perspective.
  3. I am looking for a job. Again. Keep an Eye out for "Operation Hire Reina," whose Campaign Manager is the lovely Emily Goodstein.

1 comment:

  1. um, hello. i got a shout out on the FIRST POST. I am so honored. ps--the HQs feel empty without you. i am going to put a post on my own blog about how great you are right now.


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