Thursday, April 22, 2010

I feel like a CELEBRITY!

Thanks Skinnie Piggie for my FIRST EVER bloggie award!!
She was kind enough to think of ME when she awarded the "Circle of Friends" award.  I'm TICKLED! Skinnie Piggie (whose name I think is awesome and hilarious) is a crafty lady who loves to bake... and she's a Marine spouse (OORAH!).  Check out her fun blog NOW!

So here's the award! 

Wait, what am I supposed to do again? Oh, here are the instructions:
  1. Click and save the image to upload on your own blog (no direct linking please!) OK Done.
  2. List five things you absolutely love to do.
  3. Then list five friendly bloggers (be sure to comment on their blogs telling them you've given them an award!)

I love to:
  1. Be at the beach.  I love warm, sun and water all in one scene. BEST!
  2. Spending time with Dave.  He is an awesome combination of fun, goofy and relaxed that balances me out! Oh and the puppy. She's also a keeper, and a good cuddler!
  3. Hanging out with girlfriends. Spending quality girl time is a new thing for me, but I LOVE it. It's amazing! Sex and the City had it right. 
  4. Planning surprises for people!  Did you see my blog the other day? I also categorize planning my wedding under this one... my wedding is a surprise for all of our guests!!
  5. Read.  I'm such a book worm sometimes! The last book I read was: Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrel.  I'm currently reading: 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

I'd like to pass this bloggy award on to:
  1. Emily G. at Wild and Crazy Pearl- AMAZING, I do have friends who are NOT military!
  2. Shannon P. at This Army Life
  3. Tiffanie G. at My Domestic Niche
  4. Jaye D-R. at My Semi-Charmed Life -BFF since High school!
  5. Heather L. aka Noelbelle at Devil Dog & Litigation Love
I wanted to give it to 10 people but maybe I shouldn't break all the rules on the first go around, eh?

All my love!!

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Your comments bring me sunshine! Thank you. :D

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