Friday, May 28, 2010

Help!!! I need you to...

I need to come up with a name for my "dating a service member advice column" stuff!  I currently feel lovely, like a Carrie Bradshaw type, with the finding girls to dole out the advice.  But before I can become a stiletto-ed Carrie, I need a cool, fun sassy-spectacular name! So put your thinking caps on, ladies! Help a girl out!

So, the whole point of these blogs will be to meet a MilGirl (Milgirlfriend, Milfiancee, and Milspouse) to learn about their time while dating their service member.  The decisions that you have to make because the military sometimes takes over your life; what you learn because of the military; how your life changed when you went from civilian to MilGirl.  This is a resource to help navigate the uncertainty that is the military, uncertainty that sometimes is a volatile relationship due to the military (for example: I met this guy 4 months ago, we're in love but his unit is getting ready to deploy for the next 13 months and I don't know if I'm ready or what I'm getting myself into)...

Please help me come up with a name! 

(If you're interested in being interviewed, I'd love to have ya! Just email me!


  1. I like using Mil-SO (military significant other) 'cause I think Mil-SO is a cute name.

    So, here are a couple ideas:

    MilSO's Spill
    Get to Know a MilSO
    The MilSO Flow
    The MilSO Status Quo
    MilSO Virtuoso

    But if you want to stick with MilGirl (which is also super-cute):

    MilGirl Chat
    It's a MilGirl World

    Hope this at least gets you started! Plus, I am super-pumped to help out with this project!

  2. I LOVE Mel's MilSO idea!!!! :D too stinkin cute :)


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