Monday, May 24, 2010

My First Air Show!

This Saturday, they called for rain.  Instead, it was 84 degrees and BEAUTIFUL.

We decided to go to the Cherry Point Air Show... OH SO FUN!! I didn't know what I was getting myself into but it was such a good date with my Marine.  He got to show off how much he knew about all the planes and Marine Corps things! Fun Fun!

Here are just some pictures from my adventure!
On our way!

He did not want to pose for this photo.  
I think what he said was "Hurry, hurry! they are blowing s*** up! I gotta go see this!" 
 Note the cloud of smoke to the right of his head.

Choppers flying through the smoke.

Me and my friend Brian.
I knew him before he was a Marine. This is the first time I saw him since he got back from Iraq!

Dave says "this is a Black Hawk"
I respond "Oh like the movie?" 
Dave shakes his head... "yes like the movie."

A child with an enormous weapon.


We got to go inside!!

Waiting for the Blue Angels to start performing.

PS. They were INCREDIBLE! I felt so lucky to get to see them!!

I have lots of video of them performing but I can't get it to upload. BUMMER.

But it was SUCH a FUN DAY at the AirShow!


  1. Too cool! I refer to movies like Black Hawk Down all the time - which is often accompanied by eye rolls and sighs. :)

  2. the nerd in me totally understands Dave's statement of "hurry they're blowing *it up!" because that's what I'd say :) and whoo hooo for seeing Brian!!!!!

  3. I saw the Blue Angels when I was wayyy younger! It was amazing!!! I want to take our kiddos so bad! Anyways...great picturs & I'm glad you had a good weekend! You guys look sooo super cute together! :o)))

  4. awesome!!!

    I love your "hurry up they're blowing s* up" picture HAHA!!!

    The blue angels are amazing I love watching them perform!!!

  5. damn it I SO wanted to do this. Tony was all ready to take me if Only I hadn't of had training. : ( BOO!

    Miiiss you!

  6. Fun! =)

    I've been to one in AZ, my dad was so lucky he got to meet the Blue Angel Pilots, got a photo with them and an autographed poster (darn him being an AARF Engineer for the Fire Department!)

  7. Air Shows are so much fun! So glad you had fun!

  8. hey girl i left you an award on my blog!

  9. Just wanted to let you know that you have an award on my blog!!!!!


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