Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random Ramblings Blog Hop!

Random Ramblings of A Military Wife

I love blog hops, I get to meet all kinds of new people and read their awesome-tastic bloggies! Reading my bloggy friends' words is something I really love, it's like my requisite morning coffee!!

So, I'm not a MilSpouse but I will be one soon. I'm a Marine Fiance, currently planning our wedding.

A little bit about me.
  • I am a 20-something Marine Fiance who has moved so much you'd think she was a military brat (I'm not...).
  • I love traveling.  I've lived in Vienna, Austria; Tokyo, Japan; Kyoto, Japan; Dakar, Senegal...I truly love seeing how SIMILAR we humans are, while being SO different.
  • I am a foodie. Not the kind that writes all about her experiences but I really like good food. (but who doesn't?)
  • I'm a Psychology major (the very nerdy kind)... I'm going back to school for my Master's in Social work. HOORAY! I heart school.
  • I have more guy friends than girl friends. I REALLY want to change that. I think it's because I have an aversion to DRAMA.
  • Philadelphia Phillies Fan. The end.
  • I love candy, fried food and sunday brunch. It kills me.
  • My favorite word is "Empower." I also think "compassion" is pretty useful too.
  • I smile constantly. My life is happy. It is filled with profound, beautiful love.
  • I'm always scared to admit my beliefs in the Military Community.  I feel like politics and beliefs can be a deal breaker, when in reality, I think it just makes us different.  I guarantee you, that if we talked through it, we could come to an agreement.  I'm not as liberal as you would assume me to be. However, I will not back down from being a feminist.
  • I played kick-ass waterpolo back in the day.  I take pride in the fact that I'm a fish.
  • I have been in choirs most days of my life. I love singing.
  • I'm always looking for yummy recipes, cute clothes and CUTE SHOES!
Please leave me love to let me know you found me from the bloghop! I'll be sure to follow your blog too :D

Happy Sunday!


  1. Ha ha. I'm a total feminist too, but on the other side of the wheel. I love that difference and truly believe our men fight to maintain that.

    Also, I have almost ALL guy friends for the same reason. I am trying to expand my horizons in that regard.

    P.S. Visited from Blog Hop and new follower. Look forward to getting to know you better!

  2. Hey pretty lady!

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!!!

    I was so excited to see the blog hop---but I have too many followers to join in :( So now I'm going to run around to see the other blogs LOL

    I'm not really a feminist at all. I love being feminine and experiencing life as the typical "female" role. I want to be a stay at home mom, while my husband works- I find that to be empowering for me. But I do appreciate the women who stand up for equal rights and opportunities :)

  3. Thanks for linking up in the blog hop! I'm a new follower! I can totally relate to having more guy friends than girl friends (and the aversion to drama). I've had to fix that since I got married...not the drama part...that can stay far far away! lol. I can't wait to read more about you!


  4. I'm following you now! I'm glad you found me with pillow talk! :)

  5. Hey girl! I want to maybe go into Family Readiness. Actually that is WHAT I want to do, but I would be happy working for them in any area. What do you want to do? Dang, Masters degree, you need a cookie! I was debating that, but I don't think I can do it yet. Good for you!

  6. Hey there! I'm a new follower and I actually found you through someone else's blog rather than the blog hop! I'll be following you and getting to know you more through your blog. Please check mine out if you wish! I promise, it won't be boring ;)

  7. following you back from the hop :) thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. I'm a new follower from the blog hop, I can't wait to read more!

  9. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm pretty excited to read more of your blog too!!!!!!!

  10. Hey I found you on the blog hop :) I'm a new follower :)


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