Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Button Button Button, grab one!

WHEEE!!! Happy Hump Day!

I am so excited because Karissa made me a button! Don't you just LOVE it? It screams ME! I am so excited.

I haven't grabbed ANYBODY's button because, if you look on my blog's column, it chops everything off so you can't even see it.  (Yes, I know I need a new blog... Maybe my future husband would pay for me to get a new blog layout for my wedding gift?? haha!).

Semper Gumby

For those of you who have awesome functioning blogs that don't eat up pretty buttons, please take one of mine! I'll be sure to do the same once I fix my button-eating blog problems!!  If you do take one, please comment so that I can come back to this so I can come back and grab your button later on!

Thank you so much Karissa!!!



  1. If you change your layout template to minima, I can give you a link to a good tutorial to make it a three column like mine :) and then you won't have anymore button eating problems ;)

  2. Woohoo!!! it's CUTE!!!

    I'm grabbin it!!!

  3. I will be grabbing one right now...and isn't karissa awesome? she made me a button too! Love it!


  4. LOVE! It's on my blog now!

  5. its so cute...its on my blog!

  6. this is how you can get it to scroll:
    where it says "up" you can change that to how you want it scroll (ie: side, down, etc)

    insert button codes here

    -hope this helps. let me know if you need more help!


Your comments bring me sunshine! Thank you. :D

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