I loved your guest blog on semper spouse! I could not have said it better myself! I am always telling my family, friends and my husband about all my amazing bloggy friends and they all think I am crazy, lol! I seriously wouldn't have been able to make it through this deployment without the help and encouragement of all my Milgirls!! We really do have a sense of community and togetherness, and are all willing to offer some kind words or an ear to listen when there is a fellow milgirl in need. I love that about us Milgirls!! :) P.s. I'm excited for your giveaway!!
I hope this blog helps me be a better wife, career woman, sister, daughter, healthier self, possibly a mother, fashionable self, more organized self, a journaler, a reader, an event planner, a person that is less stressed, an individual on a mission to make people smile, a civil self, a well traveled self, a woman who can cook and do DIY projects in her free time, because an "ii onna" has free time.
I loved your guest blog on semper spouse! I could not have said it better myself! I am always telling my family, friends and my husband about all my amazing bloggy friends and they all think I am crazy, lol! I seriously wouldn't have been able to make it through this deployment without the help and encouragement of all my Milgirls!! We really do have a sense of community and togetherness, and are all willing to offer some kind words or an ear to listen when there is a fellow milgirl in need. I love that about us Milgirls!! :) P.s. I'm excited for your giveaway!!