Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Favorite day with my favorite Marine!

If you read my blog, you know that I love my Marine! One of the most wonderful times with him happened very soon after he returned to the states from his two year tour in Okinawa. We had just started to "technically" date and we were on a very very special date. We were invited to attend not only one but TWO Presidential Inaugural balls in 2009. (I know, I know but DON'T JUDGE ME!!) It was my first time seeing him in his sexy dress blues! Nothing like finding an excuse to see him in his blues in a crowd of civilian suits... seriously eye candy!

We danced and laughed and had a really awesome and super romantic few nights! A few people came up to take pictures of us at both events because they had never seen anybody in dress blues.  I felt like a celeb! Tee hee.

He beeeeeeeped going through the metal detectors both nights but the guys monitoring them just chatted with him and thanked him for his service.  How nice!

Night Number 1!!

Night Number 2!

I'm not randomly reminiscing about this particular day... although I don't think I've blogged about the Inaugural balls, it's because awesome miss from Flip Flops and Combat Boots has done it again! She has paired up with Perfectly Distressed from Etsy for a wonderful giveaway. Go check it out and enter ... or not so I have a better chance of winning ;) teeehee


  1. aw that's so awesome! and i love that red dress!!! :) :) you guys looked like celebs! good luck!

  2. Girl! I will fight you for this giveaway! lol. Kidding! I got some goodies for you today!!!!

  3. You look beautiful!!!!!! The balls are my absolute favorite!

  4. Nothing like a man in uniform!! Good post!

  5. You look absolutely gorgeous. Looks like you had a great time!

  6. Great photos! It looks like you had fun! I just mailed your package Monday. I went over the limit by like 2 bucks - mainly because I spazzed out with my math, but I got some freakishly good deals for you. There was a little something I tossed in at the end. It was a buy 1 get 1 free (yours was the free one). :) Anyway, this little item was just screaming your name and I couldn't pass it up. When you get the package, try to guess what this mystery item is.

  7. Dress blues are very attractive. You two looked great!


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