Monday, July 19, 2010

MilGirl Live and Learn: Jordan

Semper Gumby

Oh how much I love this week's MilGirl, I cannot even TELL you! She is so fabulous, gorgeous and funny! Oh and it helps that her lover is hunky too!! Please join me in welcoming Jordan from Southern Hospitality!


 OMG they are so stinking cute together, I might just gag. Just kiddin.
No seriously though, don't you think they would make the most absolutely gorgeous children EVER?

Here's Jordan!

Tell us a little about you: I am going to be starting my senior year at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, majoring in Communication Studies and minoring in Parks and Recreation.  I would like to work for the MCCS after graduation.

The branch of service: United States Marine Corps…Oorah!

How long have you been together? If you're married, how long did you date? And how long have you been married? We have been dating about a year, but we have talked, and he is planning on putting a ring on it before TBS, we want to be together. Speaking of TBS I guess I need to explain my lover’s situation. Lover will be graduating from Officer Candidate School Seniors this summer and will be commissioned as a Marine next summer after graduation.

How did you meet your man? Was it before he decided to sign his life away?:
Ben and I met on Wrightsville Beach through a mutual friend.  I had another boyfriend at the time, but that was crashing and burning, and was ending anyways. We were going to take it slow, yeah, that never happens. He was very patient with me, and I am so thankful for his persistence, because he truly is my soulmate.

Is he career military? You never know where life will take you, but it has always been his dream to be a Marine. It’s his purpose in life, and I am so thankful he discovered it so young in life. I know his plans are to make the military his career, and we are both looking forward to an exciting life with the military.

How did you initially feel about him being in the military?:
Initially, shoot have you seen those uniforms…um I was like, “sign me up for your team hot stuff.” Now, after completely being head over heels for him, I of course stress out every day about his safety, but I am so proud and blessed to be with such a selfless and honorable man.

What attracted you to him? Was it the uniform?: Well, I didn’t actually see him in his uniform until very recently, but he is so fine, so I knew he would look amazing in it. I fell in love with his personality and loving heart.

How does/did your family feel about him being in the military?: My family adores him. He is so respectful to everyone, so you can’t help but love him. My family is so proud of his sacrifices and accomplishments through the Marine Corps and outside of it.

Does the sexy uniform (or the sense of pride you feel) make up for the sacrifices you have to make?:
This reminds me of the quote…"Never say that someone completes you. We have to feel whole even when we are by ourselves; for needing a certain someone is not love, but dependency. Wanting a person to become part of your life is the best reason for having them. So rather than search for someone who will complete you, wait for the person that will compliment your completeness." Lover is his own person; this is what he has wanted to do his whole life. I just want to compliment his completeness, so his decision to be in the military is his decision and I am there to support because I love him and want to be with him and because I love this country.

Have your plans been messed up thanks to the military?: No, just altered them. At the same time you have to remember, I have not been through the same things other Mil ladies have, yet. Not that I will never bitch in my life, but what in life should be wasted on negative thinking?

Does it motivate you as a couple to get married sooner if he is slated to get orders to leave you (go off to training/school, move to a new duty station –PCS, deploy)? Did you elope?
Yes we're motivated, being separated at OCS has shown both of us that it’s important we are together while he is at TBS. I have always wanted a beautiful wedding, but starting a life with him is more important than a wedding, so we’ll do what we have to.

What is one piece of advice you wish you had received while dating? Well, we're still dating…but I have friends who are married/engaged to servicemen/women and I would have to say you are the company you keep. Drama is not hard to find, in and out of the military, but seriously I have friends who like to engage themselves in drama, and it’s embarrassing. Being married to someone in the military you are representing them and this country, you never know who it reading what you say on ANY social network, just be careful.

Thanks Jordan. Wise words from this week's MilGirl.
I am so excited for you! And I can't wait to meet you!!

Don't forget, if you want to be a MilGirl, 
(or if you want an extra entry for an upcoming giveaway) email me!

Date.a.Marine [at]


  1. All fabulous answers!! Love Love Love!!

  2. Sounds like you're just getting started in your "relationship" with the military. ;-p I wish you both the best of luck! I just checked out the website for TBS, I'm glad they have so much information for you prior to his check-in... that way you won't be just "thrown in." []


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