This is in part to say "sorry" for being a bad blogger and in part to live up to my word of the year which is...
de·light (d
) n.
1. Great pleasure; joy.
2. Something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment.
I intend to do all of that in this giveaway.
Here's what's up for grabs:
(courtesy of ZaZa Gallery)
You'll get a canvas print courtesy of ZaZa Gallery. This giveaway is valued at $110. Don't miss out!
You can get any picture that you want printed so you can put it up on your wall! Take a stroll through the pictures that some other people have gotten printed here.
Just need you to do 3 things (in one comment, please):
1) Follow my bloggity blog blog.
2) Tell me what delights you. Not just sort of happy but DELIGHT in the true meaning of the word. GREAT PLEASURE.
3) After the contest, if you win, you will be asked to blog about your piece. Just let me know that you're ok with this!
FOR EXTRA CREDIT: blog about my giveaway!
This giveaway will close on February 11 at 11:59 pm in time to be announced on Valentine's day!!