Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday

My real-life friend Shan is going through a really tough time and has experienced some devastating hurdles in the past year.  Through it all, she has grit her teeth and is marching head on into her pain.  She had the courage to post the things that she is thankful for, despite her hurt.  I commend her for that.  It made me reflect to find what I am thankful for... forget for a minute about all the things we complain about every day.  Write a list (even if it's just in your head) of what you're thankful for.

Here's mine:
  • My life is on track. Even when I feel my life spinning out of control, I know I'm going to be okay and that I'm working toward my goals.
  • I'm blessed to have Dave in my life. He really keeps me centered and challenged. It's been a growing experience for me to be a good partner to such a wonderful man.
  • My planner. I am a crazy busy person and I can't do life without my planner.
  • Lexi. I love her. She makes me smile on a daily basis. She makes me want to come home.
  • My family. I am so happy they are safe. 
  • I am thankful for Google Voice on my iPhone. Thank goodness for technology that I can talk to my family for 2 cents a minute.
  • My social work program. It challenges me, it makes me think, it frustrates me and I know I'm being molded into a better social worker than I think I can be.
  • Jobs: I work at the Limited, I babysit, I own my own lia sophia business. It provides me with sanity and insanity, all at the same time. It is awesome entertainment. It helps me not take myself so seriously.
  • Getting married. I am so indulgent with planning and I am rolling in the joy of being able to say our vows out loud.
  • I'm thankful that I feel a bit more financially sound than I felt in 2009. I have come a long way.
  • BLOGGY FRIENDS. Is there any more to say?
  • Social networking. It keeps my busy world spinning. I get to keep up with people's busy lives!
  • Gummy snacks. 
  • Hand written notes/letters.
  • Books that teach me things that I didn't know I needed to learn about.
  • Obv. our dedicated military.
  • Amazing Family Readiness Officers (HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATY!)
  • Spring flowers. Daffodils make me giddy!

1 comment:

  1. :) Love you!

    I made a Thankful Thursday Blog Hop so can you enter your post into it? Thanks girl!


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