Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bloggy Meet-up! Milwaukee Edition

Hey y'all, I'm back from a long blog hiatus!

I recently traveled to Milwaukee for a lia sophia jewelry conference (that's for another story).  I had never been to this part of the midwest and I didn't anticipate getting to see much of the Brewer's city.  Let's just say that I was DELIGHTED to get to not only get to see the city but meet Carmen from We See the Same Stars!!!! We had yummy custard (with strawberries and chocolate chips), then she gave me an awesome tour of the city; which I must say, from what I saw, looks like a really awesome place to live!!  Here are some pics to recap my time with my new bloggy love!

This city has such a cool mix of architecture... old and new juxtaposed!
My loveeeely tour guide!

YAY for new bloggie love meet-ups!!! 

Thanks to Carmen for such a fun time :)


  1. yayyy! I'm so happy you guys got to meet!!! :)

  2. Yay!!! How much fun! I swear the world becomes so small in the military, you just know people everywhere! So glad you all had a wonderful time!

  3. I looked like HELL but I'm so glad you had a great time!! I'm so happy I got to meet you :)

  4. Looks like you had a great time!!!!! Next time, you must invite all of your blog friends! :)

  5. looks like you guys had so much fun...YAY!


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