Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time flies and waking up to bad news...

I have been terrified to blog for a while. I used to love coming on every day to see what everybody was talking about. It really is a community of awesome people.  When I went to school, I felt SO out of the loop when I started missing days and now MONTHS of blogging! I get anxious at the thought that I hadn't typed a single word to people who had supported me for MONTHS!!

So, the week of thanksgiving, I update you of my life and hope that you'll still take me :)

I was hoping to just do an update on how I'm doing in school. HOW MUCH I LOVE SCHOOL. How I'm getting straight A's and brag just a little bit because I love this stuff and it's hard! I also started a student group for Military Awareness and that will be launching soon.  Hopefully that will give fellow social work students a chance to think about that it means to serve our service members effectively!

Although I'm super excited about all this, and the fact that my semester is drawing to a close, I woke up to some crummy news this morning...

My car was broken into last night. In my apartment parking lot FACING the apartments... It's one of the well lit spots! We live in one of the "best cities" in the country... I guess that isn't a guarantee that crime doesn't happen. 

Luckily, I don't keep much in my car, except for my GPS.  Everybody tells you when you get a GPS that you can't have it up on your dashboard.  Then where the HELL are you supposed to put it? I don't mean to get indignant but thieves should not be ALLOWED to break windows to steal MY STUFF! Ugh. I guess, that logic makes no sense.  All the thief had to do was break the window, fear being caught, then voila, the GPS was his/hers.  Now, I'm lacking the device that helps me NOT GET LOST and a couple hundred dollars in the hole right before holiday season. Terrific.

So.  I'm grumpy but I wanted to let you all know I care about you and think of you ladies often!!!

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