Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lexi Bear

I can't believe that I haven't blogged about my dear pup. Her name is Lexi Pomeroy (there was some controversy about why she had her dad's last name when we're not yet married... wasn't I being presumptuous?). She is a 17 week old, sable sheltie puppy!! She is a joy in my life. Although for the first month that I had her, I was sleep deprived and wanted nothing more than just 3 hours of sleep at a time.

I searched high and low for a sheltie. I was pretty much set on getting one since the campaign had ended. I told myself I would get a puppy once I had a stable 9-5-ish job. I got one, and I got a puppy. Dave and I went to Just Puppies (in Rockville and Towson, MD) on two seperate occasions to find our perfect pup.

As soon as I found out that the Towson store had a tri-colored boy and a sable girl so we set out to meet them. Once we got there, though, we found out that the boy was sold and only the girl remained. It was a good thing though because I really wanted a girl pup. Let's just say I didn't really have to be convinced.

Well, I fell in love instantly with this face...


And she was truly a sheepdog. This is just a forecast of what was to come... lots of energy!

We brought her home when she was 9 weeks old. She has grown so much!!

9 weeks
10 weeks
When I first took her to puppy daycare, she loved it. I got a call later the first day I put her in daycare saying that there was an emergency that she might have broken her leg...

I suggest that you not go to Woofs Training Center in Arlington, VA

She was fine. She had a light sprain but I have been cautious about where I put her in daycare!
11 weeks

12 weeks
(No nose!!)

14 weeks and clearly sleepy

We discovered that she LOVES the doggy park. She frolics with the dogs and loves it. She gets so exhausted. Brilliant. I also find it hilarious that she thinks she is a big dog.

15 weeks.
I can't believe this is the same puppy that we brought home!
She just graduated to Level 2 in the Puppy training levels courses. I am so proud!
She really is a smart puppy and learns new tricks as long as I am able to teach them and be patient with her.

16 weeks
Courtesy of Dave while I was away.

She LOVES her daddy...

More to come soon!!

Holiday Season

When you think Holiday Season, I think about family and gifts being exchanged. It's a time for people to get together and to celebrate the things we most enjoy in life... or in some cases, this holiday season makes for some crazy times, during which you want to cut yourself away from this said family and go off drinking with your friends instead.

This is IF you have the luxury of family. As crazy as they might make you feel, they are your people. As I grow older, it has become clear to me that the holidays are a time of new family. Being able to share special moments with those who are not my blood but those who are kind enough to open their homes to me. There are those, like our fighting heroes (our service members) who are not afforded the luxury of being home (sometimes years and years in a row, to the dismay of their spouses, parents and especially, children).

If you are able, please consider sending a care package to one of our service members (deployed or stationed over seas) whose day or holiday season you might brighten up by sending them a care package. Simple things such as much needed baby wipes, socks or gum or more fun items such as candy or reading material might not sound like much of a luxury for you but in certain parts, it can make all the difference.

What makes this a more personal experience is the letter that you include. Receiving a care package from a stranger is a great morale boost for our troops and being able to make it even more personal shows your support for our men and women who SACRIFICE to fight for us (whether or not you agree with the politics behind the wars that we fight or the military's presence).

So please, while you are writing your holiday shopping lists, please consider sending a care package to one of our troops. You can ask me if you'd like to find somebody or consider going through tried and true organizations like Adopt a US Soldier or Soldiers' Angels. If you feel uncomfortable sending one personally, you can volunteer with your local USO that holds large care package assembly sessions in which you can meet other people who are interested in helping our troops this holiday season.

Thank you for your support.

My List:
1) I have an incredibly strong and supportive net of people who I am finally starting to trust in hearing my concerns.
2) A mother who had enough courage to write to strangers about helping her son through a deployment.
3) The USO. Did you know that most all of their effort (over 90%) is fueled by volunteers and donations? If you are able, please contribute.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In the Interim...

I’m sorry about my absence from my blog. Things in my life have been a variety of crazy put together.

Who KNEW that going on informational interviews would result in me gaining weight!? If you know me, you know that I don’t count calories and I don’t fret about my silhouette. In the past few weeks, I’ve gained weight and I can really blame it on one thing in my life that has changed! My irregular eating schedule combined with informational interviews and the coffee and snacks I intake with them. Alas, I get to meet some incredible women in DC and I only have Emily G. to thank for those connections!!

Another thing that has prevented me from blogging was a super exciting change of pace. My family welcomed its newest generation. My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!! I am officially an Aunt to somebody!


I flew back to Japan in hopes that I might make it in time to witness her birth but alas, she was born 2 hours before I arrived at the hospital with all my luggage in tow. Both of them are healthy and are now home. A few days after my sister came home, she and her husband were watching videos that he had taped of her in labor and her screaming alone made me think twice about wanting babies. In the end though, Luna (born on the day of a blue moon) is gorgeous and cuddly and is worth every bit of discomfort that my sister could have experienced. Ok that is just a biased observation by somebody who wasn’t my sister nor a person in the room when she delivered…but anyway, Luna is SUPER DUPER cute with long limbs and fingers. We are speculating as to whether she will become a model, a dancer, a violinist (like her mother)… Oh so many possibilities!

Man these international flights are a drag! 14 hours one way, and 13 another. It was completely worth it to see my family but I really truly detest traveling, especially alone. However, on the way there, after I found out my sister had been admitted to the hospital (her water broke...) and before she was in labor, I wrote Luna a letter that I hope to give to her on her 20th birthday. These flights give me some much needed time to think.

Tonight, I am thinking about the possibilities of life...
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