Monday, July 19, 2010

Look what I got!!

So, as many of you know Mrs. Flippy Floppy over at Flip Flops and Combat Boots hosted a Summer Essentials Swap. I was lucky enough to have 2 fab MilGirls to swap with! Here's the first installation of my Summer Essentials!

So thanks to Mrs. Annoyed Army Wife I got this fabulous array of goods!

All this fun stuff! I got Jennifer Weiners Certain Girls, an awesome Guatamalan necklace and earring set (the colors are soooo fun! I wore the earrings all weekend), a bunch of chocolatey treats, a set of royal crown earrings and an American Flag key chain!

I think I got super lucky with my summer essentials! Thank you Annoyed Army Wife! It was awesome to get this in the mail! Thanks Flip Flops and Combat Boots for hosting this awesome event!


  1. that necklace is awesome! looks like you got some awesome stuff! you better have that book when we go to the beach!! :)

  2. You're welcome!! And thank YOU! I'm just about to post my goodies I got from you. OccDoc already stole some of it, but that's okay. LOL! I'm wearing most of my goodies tonight - I can't wait!


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