Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear School,

Dear University of Maryland School of Social Work,

I love you. I haven't met a single professor or know what I'll be doing for my field placement but I love you.

You accepted me as your student for the Fall of 2010 and I feel like I have a renewed sense of purpose again. Thank you for opening up your school to me to be able to study!! I know I am a dork and that it is strange that I love it but this is one HAPPY day for me.

I promise to be a good student and be active in your student clubs. I'll do my best to do good things while I study in your four walls.

I am so freaaaaking excited.
Love always (well, for two years, actually...),


  1. You're welcome! We look forward to you coming!

    Matt Conn
    Director of Communications
    University of Maryland School of Social Work

  2. That is great! It's only about 20-30min from where we live (not that I have any idea of where you'll be living, haha).

    There are going to be plenty of opportunities for a field placement... believe me.

  3. Thanks Matt! I'm super stoked, hopefully I'll get to meet you.

    Emily, It wouldn't have been possible without you.

    Tay, I'm super excited about field placement actually. I used to live in DC (until really recently) and I'm excited to be back and hopefully working for a great org. Maybe we can hang out once I move!

  4. That's awesome, Reina!! I'm going to Social Work School in the fall too, at Fordham University in NYC. Are you gonna get an MSW??

  5. YAY!!! So happy for you! I can't believe I missed seeing this.. Congrats!


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