Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 Bloggy Awards! (Double Celebrity!)

Man oh man do I love getting awards! It just puts me in an instant good mood! However, trying to figure out who doesn't already have the award is a pain in my Asian behind so I apologize if you didn't or did already get these awards as I rattle off your names!!

My first bloggy award today is from my bloggy friend, Tiffanie at My Domestic Niche!!  She is the mommy of two precious munchkins that I have the pleasure of looking at (only in pictures).  She is a new blogger like me so please show her some LOVES! 
She has given me the Sunshine Award!

The rules of this one says I gotta:
  1. To put the logo on your blog or within your post.
  2. Pass the award onto 12 bloggers. (I'm only doing 10, mmmk thanks)
  3. Let the awardees know they have received the award by commenting on their blog.
  4. Share the love and link the person who gave you the award.
So I would like to pass this honor on to: (I'm supposed to do 12...whoopsies)
  1. Star at Star Spangled Stockings
  2. Jordan at Southern Hospitality
  3. Skinnie Piggie at Skinny Piggy
  4. Brandi at Excess Baggage
  5. Elizabeth at Love and Marriage and Baby Carriage
  6. NoelBelle at Devil Dog & Litigation Love
  7. Amber at Goodnight Moon
  8. Hellcat Betty at Hellcat Betty
  9. Expat Girl at The Sand is Different Here
  10. Cheryl at Boots in the Doorway

My second bloggy award is from Star over at the new and improved (so cute!) Star Spangled Stockings!! She is a like-minded independent woman who enjoys traveling and cute clothes, just like me!  She is funny and loves other people's opinions so hop on over to see what she's talking about today! 
Star has given me the Sweet Blog Award!

For this one, I have to pass it on to 10 sweet bloggy friends!

So here are 10 sweeties:
  1.  Tiffanie at My Domestic Niche
  2. Jordan at Southern Hospitality
  3. Skinnie Piggie at Skinny Piggy
  4. Brandi at Excess Baggage
  5. Elizabeth at Love and Marriage and Baby Carriage
  6. NoelBelle at Devil Dog & Litigation Love
  7. Amber at Goodnight Moon
  8. Hellcat Betty at Hellcat Betty
  9. Expat Girl at The Sand is Different Here
  10. Cheryl at Boots in the Doorway
Lots'o LOVES!


  1. I'm a new follower! I love you blog! I am going ahead and linking you up under my Marine Lovers :)


Your comments bring me sunshine! Thank you. :D

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